Ty fished a comb out of one of the vanity drawers below where he sat and indicated for me to turn around.
"About Bloodeye's threats, Jules's injuries, Savannah's weird behavior, or about my mother being friends with yours before the Darkness?" He slowly started working the comb through my wet tresses.
I leaned into him. "Uh, any of it." Now that I'd repeated everything that had just happened, I felt like a wilted flower.
He didn't respond immediately, sliding the comb through my hair several more times while he thought.
"I think Jules will be okay," he said eventually. "By the sound of things, it was mostly bruising and lacerations but no major breaks. Those are all things that the medical staff are more than capable of handling, and you know that Lee routinely adds his healing magic to the balms he makes for them."
"You're right." I nodded, feeling the tiniest piece of guilt ease.
Ty made a small, amused sound. "I always am. But also, you know Lee was pretty burned out. He wouldn't have been much help, even if you had found him."
Guilt sparked again, this time for how much Lee had been using his magic lately. "Again, you're right. And he would have tried to help her anyway, leaving him even more drained."
"Exactly." Ty hummed a sound of agreement. "As for your old boss, Zan might disagree on this, but I'm inclined to just give him what he wants for now. He's causing more trouble than you need this week."
That wasn't what I'd expected Ty to say.
"Come again?" I turned my head slightly to squint at him. "Just give him a jewel from the treasury?"
Ty met my eyes and shrugged. "Sure, why not? There're plenty in there, and after this trial is done and after my father has been dealt with, well, you can always steal it back if you wanted to, right?"
My jaw dropped slightly, then I laughed. "Yeah, I guess I could. I've never stolen from Bloodeye before... This could actually be fun." I paused, frowning. "Except for the threat of him hurting people like Jules or Flick or Magda."
"Right," Ty agreed. "That's something we would need to solve first. Flick is the kid who got caught stealing in the marketplace, right?"
"Yes, that's the one." I waited for him to make the connection he was sure to make.
It only took him a second. "I knew there was something off," he muttered, still combing through my hair. "You did a good job hiding your curves, though."
I grinned, thinking how he'd grabbed me, holding me back from rushing out to save Flick and inevitably end up arrested myself. His hand had been a scarce inch from grabbing my breast, and then he really would have known something wasn't right.
"Thanks." I snickered. "So, what about everything else. All the stuff Savannah said and how she basically admitted she knew who I really was."
Ty made a thoughtful sound, set down the comb, and turned me to face him. "I think it's all stuff we need to discuss with Lee and Zan. Zan, in particular, will know more about our mother’s life before we were born. He's quietly obsessed with history."
"Good thinking," I agreed, sliding my arms up around his neck as I leaned into him, standing between his legs. "So what do we do now?"
Ty's brows hitched, and he wet his lips as his arms closed around me. "Sleep, my queen. We sleep."
I grinned, knowing he was right but also willing to sacrifice just a little bit of sleep. After all, who knew how much time we’d all have left together if Titus had his way?
Stepping back from his embrace, I tugged the belt of my robe open and shrugged the garment from my shoulders. It dropped to the floor at my feet, leaving me totally naked as I sauntered out of Ty's bathroom.
"You sure about that, Prince Thibault?" I threw what I hoped was a saucy wink over my shoulder and headed toward his huge bed.
I’d barely made it halfway across the room before I was swept up in Ty's strong arms, and when we landed on the soft mattress, it was in a tangle of limbs, lips, and tongues.
Chapter 12
The smell of something delicious wafted past my nose as I tugged a shirt on and flipped my hair out of the collar.
"What in the names of all the gods who don't want to kill me, is that?" I demanded of Ty as he strolled through his bedroom door holding two mugs of steaming liquid. "It smells divine."
He grinned, looking a bit proud as he held out one of the mugs for me. "It's a recipe Zan and I came up with. It's mostly coffee, but with hot milk, spices, and a bit of vanilla."
I took a long sip and groaned. "Holy shit."
Ty's grin spread wider, but whatever he was about to say next was cut short by Zan entering the room and swiping his brother's mug.
"Thanks, brother," Zan teased, taking a huge gulp of the hot drink and ducking out of Ty's reach when he tried to grab it back. "Come on, we've got shit to do today. Jules is awake and asking for you, Zarina." He shot me a wink with my secret name, and butterflies erupted inside me.
"Wait, Jules is awake?" I blurted, focusing on the more important fact. "You've seen her already?"
I hadn't even known Zan had been filled in on the events of the night before, but then again, I must’ve still been dead asleep when Ty had woken up. The bed had been cold and the sun high when I’d finally dragged my ass from the sheets and found some of my own clothes waiting for me on the footstool.
Zan nodded, taking another sip of Ty's drink and ignoring his brother’s glower. "Lee has been in with her to make sure there's no lasting damage. He also said he has something to show us all."
"Mysterious," I murmured, handing my drink back to Ty so I could finish dressing. He'd brought me a vivid red silk blouse with a pair of soft black pants that fitted me like a second skin. Teamed up with over-the-knee riding boots, he'd nailed my preferred style perfectly.
The oldest prince gave me a lopsided smile. "Well, he probably would have elaborated, but apparently you weren't in your room when he went looking for you last night."
I bit my lip, my gaze instinctively shifting to Ty and then to the rumpled bed before returning to Zan. Was this a test? He didn't seem jealous, but then again...
"Come on," Zan said, turning away before I could read any more into his comment or his body language. "Lee's waiting. Then I think Sage has arranged a meeting."
He dropped his empty mug on Ty's dresser before heading out the door, expecting us to follow him.
Startled, I looked to Ty, who just gave an easy shrug. "He says he's trying," Ty said softly, handing my own drink back as he left the room. "That's good enough for me right now." His face flickered with a rare moment of open vulnerability, and my heart squeezed.
"Me too," I admitted, reaching up to kiss him on the cheek, then hurrying to catch up with Zan ahead of us.
When I fell in step with the dark-haired prince, I slipped my hand into his and gave a small squeeze. We had issues. I was the first to admit we had a whole boatload of issues to work out if we were ever going to have a future together. But for now...?
"You look beautiful this morning," Zan whispered to me, squeezing my fingers back and giving me a small smile.
"Amazing what good sleep can do for a girl, huh?" I joked, and he chuckled.
"Amazing what good sex can do, you mean?" Ty corrected, joining us and giving his brother a teasing grin. "Admit it. She's practically glowing."
His words—saying I was glowing—startled me, and I peered down at my skin, halfway expecting to see that inner glow all the gods had... before realizing he meant it metaphorically, not literally.
Not totally sure where this awkward as fuck conversation about my sex life with both brothers was going, I cleared my throat and changed the subject.
"So, Lee found something? Do we have any idea what that's all about?"
"None," Zan replied, still holding my hand tight in his while he tugged down the mask he'd had pushed up on his hair. "But he was gone most of the night."
I frowned. "I hope he got some sleep."
"Pretty sure he's holding out for the type of sleep Ty g
ot last night," Zan joked, tossing his brother a black mask from his pocket.
My jaw dropped in shock, and Zan pulled me close with our joined hands to press a gentle kiss to my lips. "I'm just playing," he said, his eyes meeting mine with total seriousness. "It's helping me adjust. Making it less awkward, you know?"
I sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly, nodding. "I'm just still waking up," I admitted. "This version of you is throwing me for a loop."
"Lee slept a bit." Ty answered my initial question as he stopped us in front of the medical wing doors. "Don't worry, he only needs a few hours, then he sort of refreshes himself with his own magic, if that makes sense?"
"Sure," I replied, even though it was over my head a bit. Ty pushed the doors open. Lee stood at the far end of the room chatting with Jules.
I released Zan's hand and rushed the rest of the way to my friend’s bedside.
"Holy shit, Jules. You're okay!" I went to hug her, then remembered her injuries and ended up doing an awkward half-hug-half-shoulder-pat thing.
She gave me a grimacing smile and wrinkled her yellowish bruised nose. "Thanks to Prince Louis, I am," she replied, her gaze shifting from me to Lee as her eyes turned a bit gooey. Ah shit. If Jules was crushing on Lee...
I swallowed back the possessive need to mark my territory and focused on what was important. My friend—because she was still my friend—was alive.
"Jules, I'm so sorry about last night. If I'd even suspected Bloodeye could get to you here—"
"Stop it," she cut me off, shaking her head. "As tempted as I am to make you grovel with apologies, this wasn't your fault." She indicated to her bruised, but healing face. "This was a reminder of who I am and who owns me."
My brows shot up in question. Jules sighed, but her lips tightened as her gaze shifted back to Lee again.
"I'll leave you to chat," Lee murmured quietly and smoothly stepped away from us so that Jules could speak more openly. Not that I really had any secrets from him anymore, but Jules didn't know that. She still hadn't made the connection between my gardener crush and Prince Louis.
When he was back across the room, Jules licked her lips and took a breath.
"Bloodeye heard that I'd been... giving away the goods for free. To John. This was a reminder that my body isn't mine to give away." She cringed. "John's going to be so mad when he finds out. You don't think he'd do anything stupid, do you?"
I frowned. "Greenjoy? Uh, I don't really know him well enough to say. You think he'd go after Bloodeye to defend you?"
Jules's bruised face flushed with heat, and her eyes narrowed at me. "Don't sound like it’s such a preposterous idea, Rybet."
"What? No, that's not what I meant at all." I shook my head, realizing how my phrasing had gone wrong. "I meant that if he did—"
"It'd be suicide," she finished for me. "I know. If you see him, can you send him here to talk with me? Maybe I can smooth things over."
I nodded, taking her hand in mine and squeezing her fingers. "Just don't lie to him, babe. He seems like he actually cares about you."
She gave an unconvincing laugh and shrugged. "I think I know how to handle men, Ry. It's sort of my job."
That was exactly what I meant. But instead of starting an argument with her, I just squeezed her fingers again and gave her a small smile.
"Well, anyway. We'll take care of things with Bloodeye. In the meantime, it might be a good idea to not be alone as much as possible. Maybe you could even stay in Greenjoy's room this week."
Jules's eyes widened, and she gave me a look like I was crazy. "Uh, he's still a soldier in the royal army. I don't think I'd be that much safer sleeping in the barracks."
"Good point," I agreed, then spotted Ty across the room. "Luckily I know someone with some power over the army. Leave it to me." I dropped a quick kiss on her forehead, avoiding the worst of the bruising, before standing up. "I have some things to take care of, but I'll make sure your lover gets contacted about where you are." I gave her a teasing wink, and she rolled her eyes at me.
"Doing more secret business today, huh?"
I shrugged. "Aren't I always? I'm glad you're okay, Jules."
She nodded, leaning back into her pillows and looking tired. "I'm glad we're okay, Rybet."
Chapter 13
My heels rapped on the hard marble floor as I made my way to the greeting room where my guests waited. There was an elegant, almost floral pattern to the marble tiles, and every step I took was loaded with guilt.
These weren't my floors to be walking on. It wasn't my palace to be playing prince inside. These were all hers. Zarina's. We were just interlopers, keeping her from what rightfully belonged to her.
But not for much longer. Not if we had anything to do with it.
"Your Highness," my assistant, Ashton—a man just a year younger than me with perfectly combed hair and spotless spectacles—greeted me. "It's good to see you back at work. We’ve missed you."
I gave Ashton a small nod, not wanting to directly lie to him. As far as he was concerned, with the Royal Trials almost over, we were back to business as usual. Despite what the general public—Zarina included—thought of us as princes, I wasn't content to sit back and let Father destroy the land single handedly.
For the past two years I'd been slowly working my way into the courts of all seven kingdoms, forging political alliances and making friends—powerful friends loyal to me and not my corrupt usurper of a father. Not that it was a hard task to achieve considering how many enemies Titus had collected over the years. The fact that Teich hadn't been invaded and the land redistributed among the neighboring kingdoms was only due to the promises I'd made. Promises I could only keep if I were the next king of Teich.
"Are they all here?" I asked Ashton, pausing with my hand on the door to the greeting room. I needed to be prepared, as I would only get one shot to deliver this news.
"Yes, sir," my assistant replied, nodding. "But I should warn you, Princess Cara couldn't make it and sent Lady Zanathia in her place."
I grimaced, even though I'd expected it. All seven kingdoms’ royal families and dignitaries were invited to attend the Golden Ball—seeing as it was to be a celebration of the future king and queen of Teich—but I'd asked a few to come early. Specifically for this conversation. The fact that Cara couldn't get here was no great surprise, but Lady Zanathia was a pain in my ass.
Adviser to the Queen of the Schon Islands, Zanathia was a scheming social climber who seemed hell-bent on making sure the princesses of Schon all made "advantageous" marriages.
"Got it, thanks Ashton." I gave my assistant a tight smile before pushing the doors open and greeting my distinguished guests.
The small group of people I'd invited to this meeting were ones I had unwavering faith in. Even Zanathia—as painful as she was—could be trusted. Each of them would want nothing more than to see the balance of magic restored and my father deposed.
"Alexander," Prince Niklaus of Verrater—my cousin—said as I drew closer to him. He'd come with his most trusted counsel, an elderly man by the name of Marcelle. "It's good to see you, cousin, but shouldn't you be busy overseeing the Royal Trials? After all, one of those girls could be your wife in a week." He was only halfway teasing, and I saw it in the sharp way his eyes trailed over my official royal mask.
I gave him a tight smile and ignored his probing. "Klaus, it's good to see you too. And you Marcelle." I nodded to the elderly advisor, who returned the gesture with a bow.
"Good to see all of you." I made sure to hold eye contact with each and every guest in the room, using just the tiniest thread of my power to check that no one was harboring any ill intentions.
"With such a vague and mysterious invitation, how could we refuse?" asked Griffin, Duke of Steelianda. He was a huge, hulking man with a beard brushing his chest and biceps like tree trunks. As the twin brother to King Axel of Isenmedin, he had direct influence over the crown’s decisions and was a hell of an ally.r />
I gave him a small grin. "I take it you haven't told my brother you've arrived, yet? I don't see any bruises on that pretty face of yours."
Griffin barked a laugh, and his companion, Lady Thora, chuckled. "Not yet. I thought I'd save our rematch until after the festivities are over."
The Duke of Steelianda and Ty had a long-standing wager over who was a better warrior, and every time they were in the same court, one—or both—of them invariably ended up sporting a black eye or broken nose. The crooked tilt to Griffin's nose was the result of their last dust up.
"I apologize for dispensing with small talk," I pushed on, indicating that everyone take a seat on the beautifully brocaded lounges, "but I have a standing engagement this afternoon to speak with General Kaiten of Asintisch, so I need to make this quick."
Lady Zanathia was the first to sit, sweeping her gauzy robes under her and perching on the edge of her seat like a queen herself. "We don't require small talk from you, Alexander. If you've gathered us all like this, it must be for something important."
I pursed my lips, feeling the pressure of what I was about to say make my heart pound. "It is." I sucked in a breath, keeping my eyes moving so that I could take in as many reactions as possible. "I'll begin by saying that I cannot allow a word of this to leave our circle. What is spoken here must not be repeated until the time is right. Do you all consent to this?" I really meant, did they consent to my use of mind magic to bind their tongues, and they all knew it. Still, they all nodded their agreements—even my assistant Ashton, though he had no clue about the nature of my power.
"Good," I relaxed just a fraction as I released a trickle of magic into each of their heads. "Then I'll cut to the chase. Zarina—daughter of our late high queen and rightful ruler of Teich and the seven kingdoms—is alive."