"It was Taipanus," Ty spoke up, answering for us.
A shocked gasp rose through the gathered crowd, and Titus's dark eyes flickered across the room like he was just remembering there was an audience.
"My son," he cajoled, "you must be mistaken. My most trusted advisor would never defy me like that. Perhaps you've taken one too many knocks to the head." He laughed a fake laugh, and the rest of the court laughed with him.
Fucking simpletons.
"You're damn right he wouldn't," Agatha muttered under her breath beside me, "which means he was acting on the king's orders."
I shot her a warning look and shushed her softly. The last thing I wanted was to watch Agatha get her head cut off before the day was done.
"There was no mistake, sire." Sagen spoke up, pulling Titus's attention away from Ty, who looked ready to punch his father in the face. "Lady Callaluna and I both bore eyewitness, as did your other sons. I hardly think you're saying we were all mistaken, are you, Majesty?"
Titus's jaw clenched, but even a king was at the mercy of his court with so very many eyes watching.
"That's very troubling news," he finally said. "And you claim Lord Taipanus was killed? By whom?"
"Me," Zan spoke up quickly, cutting me off before I could speak truthfully. "But why don't we hear the evidence from Lady Gracelin herself? Surely she'd like to speak up and save her own skin? Perhaps she can shed some light on who Taipanus was working with."
For her part, Gracelin nodded frantically and made muffled noises. Sagen reached for her gag, and I held my breath. We knew from questioning her that Gracelin had done some eavesdropping of her own. Enough that she knew Titus was behind Taipanus's orders to capture Zan and kill the rest of us. But would she accuse him in front of the whole court?
"Not necessary," Titus declared, waving a hand at one of his guards and giving a tight nod to the man. "How can I not believe the word of my own blood?"
Quicker than we could blink, the guard stepped up behind Gracelin, reached around, and slashed his blade clean across her throat. Blood sprayed out in a fountain, drenching the floor and splattering across the king and queen’s feet before Gracelin's lifeless body fell into a heap on the ground.
Stunned, my attention flew to Titus's face, only to find him peering down at the dead woman with damn near glee. Holy gods, if I hadn't questioned his sanity before, I sure as hell was now.
"What a way to start a party," Queen Filamina muttered, sounding bored. "I'm assuming none of you silly girls returned with the missing crown? Darling, go ahead and declare this trial over so we can continue on."
"Actually," I said, clearing my throat. "I believe Princess Sagen located it."
I hadn’t discussed this decision with Sagen or the guys in advance, but I wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to gain a seat on the royal council for an ally.
"Excuse me?" Sagen blurted out at the same time as Titus scoffed and Filamina snickered a laugh. "Oh, you sneaky..." She cut herself off before finishing that thought and tugged open the bag I'd given her to hold.
A shocked gasp went up around the room as our spectators saw the glittering golden crown come out of the bag in Sagen's hand, even as she glared daggers at me.
Titus cleared his throat, and the tight lines around his mouth spoke to how off guard this caught him. As far as he knew, Gracelin was supposed to have the fake crown. But she was dead, and now Sagen was presenting it.
"Well, color me surprised," Queen Filamina murmured, her sharp gaze locked on the crown in question.
"Father," Zan snapped, breaking Titus's stare down with the crown in Sagen's hands. "I think this is the part where you anoint Princess Sagen as the Seeker of Teich."
The dirty glare the king shot his oldest son suggested that was the last thing he wanted to do, but the clapping and cheering from the gathered aristocrats gave him little choice. They put up with a lot of his bullshit, but he could only push it so far. Denying them sacred customs like appointing a Seeker... well that wasn't going to fly.
"Princess Sagen of Asintisch," Titus growled out as a herald stepped forward holding a velvet cushion. On top of it was a small, gold ring. "Step forward."
The snarly princess sent me another narrow-eyed look before stepping forward to accept her new title from our corrupt, fraudulent king. The entire floor in front of the dais was slick with Gracelin's blood, but when no alternatives were presented, Sagen reluctantly sank to her knees.
Titus held his hand out, impatiently beckoning for her to hand over the crown, which she did.
"By order of the second Royal Trial and with the power afforded to me by the throne of Teich, I hereby declare the kingdom’s new Seeker, Her Highness Princess Sagen of Asintisch." Titus rushed through the words, then held out the ring to her, which she took carefully—avoiding touching his skin—and slipped onto her thumb.
When she rose back to her feet, the front of her dress stained with brown-red blood, the whole hall erupted in a cacophony of cheers and applause.
Ceremony over, guards quickly dragged Gracelin's corpse away, and servers wearing little more than underpants and a mask danced around handing out more of that magically tainted water for everyone to drink.
"That was insane," Hazel whispered, sounding horrified and looking like she might vomit. "But he didn't even look twice at the rest of us."
"Small mercies," Agatha commented with a grimace as she stared at the puddle of blood on the floor.
All around us, the party was back in full swing, but I could feel Titus still watching us. It was a creeping feeling that crawled up my spine, and my mark burned with warning. Except when I looked back to the thrones, it was his wife, Queen Filamina, who stared at me like a bug under a looking glass. Unable to muster the necessary subservience, I met her gaze directly, and she squinted at me curiously.
"I'd advise against that, Lady Callaluna," Lady Savannah said quietly as she stepped into my line of sight and raised her brows. "Her Majesty is not someone you want paying too much attention to you."
Startled, I took her advice and turned slightly away from the thrones. Questions burned on my lips about Savannah's relationship with Filamina, but even I could appreciate that this wasn't the time or place.
"Ladies, the third trial technically begins now, but with everything..." She trailed off and stared at the bloody ground where Gracelin had just met her demise. "Go and rest, clean up, take some time to breathe. Meet me in the rose garden at dusk, and I'll go through this last stage of the Trials with you. There is nothing so urgent that it can't wait until then."
The other girls all breathed a sigh of relief and started making their way out of the ballroom, but Savannah placed a hand on Sagen's arm to halt her.
"Not you, dear. The people want to celebrate their new Seeker, which means you must stay. Then, with Lord Taipanus's rather abrupt departure, I believe it falls to myself and Captain Jefferson to brief you on your new role. This all needs to be done before you commence the next trial." She checked her delicate gold watch. "Which doesn't leave us much time. Callaluna, I'll see you at dusk. Your Highness, I'll come back for you in two hours." With that, she bustled away.
Sagen groaned and glared at me again, but I just shrugged back. "Don't look at me like that," I said with a small grin. "I just awarded you land, riches, and a title within Teich. Shouldn't you be saying, Thank you, Callaluna?"
"Oh, is that what I'm calling you today?" she snarked back with heavy sarcasm. "And that's not all you did. Didn't you know the Seeker holds a seat on the monarch's advisory council? You just handed a foreign royal a key to your kingdom. And I seriously hope that was a fake that I just gave Titus." Her words were quiet enough that no one would overhear us, especially with all the noise of partying, but her scorn was clear.
"Actually, that's exactly why I gave it to you, dumbass," I responded, handing back a bit of her own sass. "Hazel filled me in on the Seeker's importance last week." I hesitated a moment before admitting the rest. "Besides, I
got the feeling you weren't really looking forward to returning to Asintisch. Well, now you have an estate in Teich, so you don't have to."
She looked genuinely stunned for a second, then curled her lip at me like I'd just grown a second head. Not such a crazy notion considering all the wild magic floating around the ballroom.
"You gave me a seat on your council... just so I'd have my own land free of my family? That seems really kind, and now I'm sure you've got something nasty planned." Her frown was pure accusation, and I rolled my eyes.
"We're not all as devious as you, Sage. Besides, you're growing on me"—I paused, pursing my lips before adding—"like Red Tide Algae."
She snorted a laugh but looked down at her hands, spinning the ring on her thumb. Teich had always been ruled by a queen, so the Trial contestants—and Seekers—had always been men. As such, the ring was heavy and scratched but somehow suited her perfectly.
"Thank you," she said softly. "You're not wrong about... me not wanting to go home. So, thanks."
There was a heavy pause between us, the kind of moment where friends might hug it out or something. But that's not what Sagen and I were, so I just cleared my throat awkwardly and stepped back.
"Okay, good chat. I'm going to go nap; you have fun with the adoring public." I gave her a small wave and made my way as quickly as damn possible out of the ballroom. Across the room, all three princes had been caught in conversation by a group of colorfully dressed nobles, and judging by their body language, they wanted to be anywhere else.
As much as I wanted to help them out, I had an important task I needed to complete while everyone was distracted.
Clear of the ballroom, I gave one of the patrolling guards a polite smile as I passed him, then immediately picked up my long, violet skirts and ran back to my rooms.
We'd only had such a short amount of time, the best I'd been able to do with the real crown was stuff it into the back of my wardrobe. Not exactly the most sophisticated hiding place, I was aware.
"Thank fuck for that," I whispered as my questing fingers touched the powerful, thrumming metal on the top shelf of my armoire. "Time to find you a safer hiding place."
Chapter 8
The door to the sanctuary creaked open right as I was brushing the thick coating of dust and grime off the front of my dress, and I looked up with a smile. It could only be one of three people, all of whom I'd be happy to see.
"How'd you manage to sneak away so quickly?" Lee asked, closing the door behind him and tugging his mask off. "You left me there to fend off Lady Griselda and her less than subtle offers to become my mistress." He shuddered dramatically and crossed over to where I stood, where he could wrap his arms around me in a full body hug.
I laughed lightly. "I don't know Lady Griselda, but I'm guessing based on your reaction that wasn't a welcome offer?"
Lee pulled back from our hug just far enough to give me an incredulous look. "Lady Griselda is older than my mother, married, and still smokes krauten." His expression was enough to make me laugh harder. Krauten was a type of dried leaf that could be smoked for a mild high. It had been all the rage among nobles back before Queen Ophelia's time, but it'd long since gone out of fashion due to the revolting stench it left on one’s skin and the permanent green stains on teeth.
"Gross," I replied, draping my arms around his neck and tucking my head under his chin. I was tall for a woman in Teich, but my princes were taller, and I loved how well we fitted together.
"Mmm." His chest reverberated, and his fingers stroked down my back, kneading the sore muscles there. "Besides, I have no need of a mistress when I'm already totally enamored by a queen in hiding." My heart fluttered, and I couldn't fight the lovesick grin pulling at my lips. "What were you doing when I came in, anyway?"
"Hiding," I replied, releasing him long enough that we could relocate to the sapphire blue chaise lounge that we usually sat on. "I figured here was the safest place of anywhere within the palace to hide Ophelia's crown."
Lee nodded, looking around like he was trying to guess where I'd hidden it. "You mean your crown?"
I wrinkled my nose and shook my head. "Not yet. Not until I earn it."
We snuggled up on the couch with me halfway on top of Lee. It was perfect and so damn comfortable; I never wanted to leave.
"That's understandable," he murmured, stroking a loose curl off my face as I rested my cheek on his chest. "Even if we think you've more than earned it already, you need to believe it for yourself."
"Mm-hmm," I replied, letting my whole body relax into his embrace.
"It's a good thing we're here to help you do that, then," he continued, his own voice thick with exhaustion. "Because you're going to be an amazing queen, Zarina."
Electricity flashed through me at hearing him use my real name. The name I'd only just found out I had a day ago. The name that my mother had given me.
"I think I like hearing you say that," I whispered so quietly I doubted he'd even heard me. Until his chest shook with a laugh, that was.
"You love hearing that you're amazing?" he teased.
Raising my head up just enough to see him, I narrowed my eyes. "No, smarty. I love hearing you call me by my name. Hearing it from strangers in Ironforge or from Sagen was different. From you... I don't know. I just really like it."
Lee's gaze held mine like a magnet, full of adoration. "Well then, I think I'll keep using it because I really like you. In fact, I think maybe I love you, Zarina."
If I could have floated, right then I would have. My heart was full to bursting, and I needed to take a breath before I could reply.
"I think I love you too, Lee."
His lips met mine in a kiss so achingly tender that moisture pricked the corners of my eyes, and I needed to bury my face in his neck to keep from totally losing it.
For a long time, we just lay there like that. Not talking, just being together. His fingers stroked down my spine, lazy and gentle, and I soaked in the warmth of his body as his hand stilled and his breathing slowed with sleep.
* * *
A warm hand stroking my hair woke me some time later, and I blinked away the foggy residue of sleep.
"It's almost dusk," Ty whispered, crouching beside the lounge where I still lay cuddled up in Lee's arms. "You need to get to the gardens and find out about the third trial. Don't forget, the oath you took is still in effect until the end of the Trials."
I groaned quietly, lifting off a blanket that I hadn't gone to sleep wearing, and slowly climbed off the couch without waking Lee. "How could I forget?" I whispered back, raising my arms over my head and stretching. "It's the only reason we even came back here instead of planning Titus's grizzly death." I huffed, then gave Ty a guilty look. "Sorry, I know he's your dad..."
Ty shook his head as he tucked the blanket back over his brother. "No apologies needed. He stopped being our father when he started plotting to kill Lee and I and make Zan his human puppet."
"Fair point," I agreed with a yawn as we headed out of the sanctuary. I was still in my glittering purple gown and didn't give two craps. So long as I tried my hardest to win the Trials, then I was holding up my end of the oath. No one ever said I needed to be well presented. "Thanks for the blanket. We were both pretty wrecked."
Ty gave me a small smile, tucking his arm around me as we walked down the path leading back to the main palace. "That wasn't me, so I can't take credit. You guys looked pretty comfortable, though."
I yawned again and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. Zan must have been the blanket fairy, which gave me all kinds of warm fuzzies inside. He really did seem to be swallowing his jealousy toward his brothers... which only made me an even bigger asshole. With that thought souring the butterflies, I heaved a sigh and stopped walking.
"What's up?" Ty asked, turning to face me.
I sucked in a breath to ask him... I didn't know what. I could have asked him if he truly was okay with his brothers sharing my affection, but if I was honest with myself, I didn't wa
nt to hear his answer. Not yet.
"Nothing," I lied, reaching up to tug his mask back down from where it was perched on his hair. "Just keeping your reputation intact, Your Highness." I gave him a teasing wink.
He grinned back at me. "If we’re talking about ruining reputations, there's a whole lot more I'd rather do with you than just show my face." His arms went around me, and in seconds I found my back against the rough stone wall of the east wing. Ty's lips caressed mine in a tantalizing, dangerous game, and his hard body seemed to mold to every damn inch of me. I moaned as his tongue met mine, teasing but demanding at the same time in a way that was so perfectly infuriating I wanted to scream.
"Ty," I groaned when his lips left mine, making their way to my neck. "You're making me late."
"Worth it, though," he murmured back, his voice dark and challenging as he kissed, sucked, and bit at the fragile skin of my throat—undoubtedly leaving marks there.
A flash of pain spiked through my brain, and this time my gasp was pure pain. I clasped my hands to my head and cursed every god I could think of. Except Barmzig. She seemed cool.
"Apparently, the oath disagrees," I told Ty, and he stepped back with a heavy sigh.
Taking my hand in his, he started back around the corner of the palace in the direction of the gardens.
"You'll still come to my room tonight?" he asked before we parted ways, and there was a thread of uncertainty in his voice that gave me pause.
Tilting my head to the side, I studied his face for any clue about what he was thinking. Of course, his mask hindered that effort and left me blank. "A deal’s a deal, Prince Thibault," I teased, keeping my tone light. "And even if it weren't, you just started something that definitely requires finishing."
The smile on his face spoke of relief, and it only reminded me again that I was probably going to be forced to choose between them all in a week’s time. If we were still alive, that was.